Reminders to HelpĀ Top Talent Stay Top Talent
When you have a hard time saying no …
... slow down the process of saying yes and do yourĀ due diligence. I wish I could say no to everything [...]
No Shortcuts to Success
If you want to succeed, do the hard work it takes to separate you from everyone else. If you persevere, [...]
When you want to move up quickly in your career …
... work for a superstar. During a recent trip to Los Angeles, the head of sales for a top financial [...]
When you don’t feel qualified for a job …
... take it anyway. I recently ran into a successful executive on the Amtrak train back to NYC. He's the [...]
Keep Learning – Knowledge Helps You Recognize Your Own Ignorance
"We live on an island surrounded by aĀ seaĀ ofĀ ignorance. As our island ofĀ knowledgeĀ grows, so does the shore of our ignorance." John [...]
Top 10 Practical Tips for Managing Up
You are susceptible to stalling in your career if: YouĀ despise people who kiss up to the boss because you feel [...]