Rising to the Executive Suite with Sol Trujillo, former CEO of Telstra, US West, and Orange

2019-07-05T17:23:00-04:00By |Leadership|

If you're a high-performer looking to rise into the C-suite, you might find Sol Trujillo's, former CEO of Telstra, US West, and Orange, leadership reflections useful. Sol was the youngest officer in AT&T history and the first native-born Latino to serve as CEO of a Fortune 200 company. He shares the following insights with Carla [...]

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10 Reasons for Walmart’s Success – Sam Walton: Made in America

2018-11-25T00:09:16-05:00By |Leadership, Mission|

Walmart's success has been undeniable and what's fantastic about Walmart's story is how its founder, Sam Walton, went from one small franchise store to the giant retail enterprise it is today. Walmart's phenomenal growth wasn't because of some secret sauce or tremendous luck, but rather it stems from a consistent application of hard work, continuous [...]

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5 Ways to Better Lead Every Aspect of Your Life

2018-11-25T00:11:10-05:00By |High Performance, Influencing Skills, Leadership, Relationships|

When we think about leadership, it's usually in a professional context. We focus on how we lead our organizations, departments, and teams but rarely put any thought into how we lead other areas of our life. How are we doing in our family life? our community? our own health and well-being? Are we leading these [...]

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5 Practical Leadership Insights from Ken Chenault, former CEO of American Express

2018-11-25T00:11:20-05:00By |Leadership|

It was a real treat to hear Ken Chenault, former CEO of American Express, share his leadership insights with Carla Harris, Vice Chairman of Morgan Stanley, at the 3rd Annual Senior Multicultural Leadership Conference hosted by Morgan Stanley in New York City. His practical and authentic lessons show why Ken is one of the most [...]

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When you’re not sure whether your current job is working out …

2018-02-24T22:45:05-05:00By |High Performance, Mission|

... don't just wait to see how things play out. Reflect and take action. For many of us, work makes up a big part of our waking hours. One of the most common pitfalls is getting stuck in the wrong job especially when the compensation and benefits are comfortable and the job is easy for [...]

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To Succeed, Embrace the Grind

2017-12-26T11:12:50-05:00By |High Performance, Mission|

"The grind." Beyond workaholics, this phrase puts off more people than it excites. When people think of the grind, they envision their routine commute and their brainless, repetitive tasks. Not exactly a motivating image. Yet, the grind is needed for success. Most of your working life will consist of the grind with achievements peppered throughout. Your [...]

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When you have a hard time saying no …

2017-11-25T22:18:08-05:00By |Communication Skills, High Performance, Mission|

... slow down the process of saying yes and do your due diligence. I wish I could say no to everything that didn't move me closer to my goals but it's just not easy for me. I have a hard time saying no. I fear missing out on a life-changing opportunity or disappointing the people who [...]

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Don’t “should” on yourself

2016-03-27T21:19:55-04:00By |High Performance, Mission|

As a high performer, you pride yourself on getting things done. With an ever-growing to-do list, your commitment to complete your tasks can make you prone to "shoulding" on yourself. "Shoulding" is the act of turning what you want to do into what you "should" do. This nuanced change in both language and outlook can hurt your ability [...]

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When you feel like you’re sacrificing too much …

2016-12-21T00:58:42-05:00By |Mission|

... view what you're giving up as an investment instead. As a high-performer, you'll have more opportunities than you know what to do with. As you continue to grow in your career, you'll have to make tough sacrifices. When you give things up all the time, it's easy to begin feeling guilty, resentful or depressed because sacrificing often focuses you on [...]

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When you’re bored or unmoved by the work that you do …

2015-12-05T14:06:26-05:00By |High Performance, Mission|

... do something else. Here are the elements you may want to consider to do work that you love. 1. Set your own goals ... ... not ones determined by biological needs or social convention. Don't let others tell you what's important. When you are the one to decide, you give meaning and sense for every action you take [...]

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When people tell you it’s not going to work …

2017-08-23T22:49:36-04:00By |High Performance, Mission|

... or you're not cut out for it ... ... ignore them. (especially if they have not achieved success by your definition of success and if you know this is what you want to do.  If you're not sure of what you want, go here.) Now if people are telling you to quit, great news, you're [...]

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To get what you want…

2016-12-21T00:58:43-05:00By |High Performance, Leadership, Mission, Quotes|

... take action to make yourself worthy of it.   It's easy to spend time focusing on the rewards of success.  We think about what we'll do and how we'll be once we get those rewards.  Then our minds drift to those who already have the trappings of success and we dwell on and perhaps even envy their [...]

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