When you’re not sure what to do …
... do what is obvious (56-page story of a successful businessman). Photo by hobvlas sudonelghm
... do what is obvious (56-page story of a successful businessman). Photo by hobvlas sudonelghm
... make sure you're not falling for the Dunning–Kruger effect, a cognitive bias where the unskilled mistakenly assess their ability to be much higher than it really is. According to their study, Dunning and Kruger proposed that, for a given skill, incompetent people will fail to recognize: their own lack of skill the extent of their [...]
"But I don't have any experience in this field." This is the most common pushback I hear from my clients when they gain more clarity on what they want in their careers and realize they were meant to do something completely different from their current job. Whether it's switching into a new career, company or industry, the [...]
... don't trust your future self. When you come up with your resolutions you are your best self - motivated, optimistic and ready to run through walls to achieve your goals. Unfortunately, the day-to-day grind to bring your resolutions into reality is slightly less glorious. More likely, you'll want to put it off until the [...]
... DO something.
When it comes to your career, are you a professional or an amateur? The answer to this question has nothing to do with your job title and everything to do with your approach to your work and the experience you give to others. So, how do you know if you're a professional? Ask yourself, "Do [...]
... do something else. Here are the elements you may want to consider to do work that you love. 1. Set your own goals ... ... not ones determined by biological needs or social convention. Don't let others tell you what's important. When you are the one to decide, you give meaning and sense for every action you take [...]
... or you're not cut out for it ... ... ignore them. (especially if they have not achieved success by your definition of success and if you know this is what you want to do. If you're not sure of what you want, go here.) Now if people are telling you to quit, great news, you're [...]
Skills are valuable so do the hard work to build them.
"You need to speak up." "You have to be more visible." If you're an introvert, you might have heard these two pieces of feedback before. And if you're a high performer, they can be especially irksome. Speaking up just isn't something you do. But be that as it may, failing to make your voice heard [...]
... see it as an opportunity to build your resilience. What doesn't kill you not only strengthens you but also those around you inspired by your ability to overcome adversity.
... redirect your attention immediately to a personal or professional goal you're working on. Let complaining, yours or others, remind you to focus on your own development. You'll end up in a better mood because you'll forget why you're complaining or what you're complaining about. You'll also channel the energy you would have wasted complaining to achieve what you [...]