Have you ever wondered why some people accomplish so much more than you do even though they have the same 24 hours you have?
Are you tired of watching everyone else get what they want?
Are you ashamed of being jealous of your friends, family or strangers who are living the life you wish you had?
What if that could be you?
What if you were able to make the income you’ve always wanted?
How about taking a trip around the world without worry?
What if you could live life without regrets?
Would you be interested in that type of power?
You can’t change your past but you can have the future you want by changing the actions you take right now. The purpose of this fieldbook is to show you how, step by step.
This fieldbook wasn’t written to make you feel good. You’re not going to find rags-to-riches stories or tips about affirmations and positive thinking. This book was designed to take any dream that you have and systematically turn it into a reality.
That’s it.
My focus was to make this fieldbook comprehensive, easy-to-understand and as short as possible.

Who shouldn’t buy this book?
Someone who hopes this book will work like magic with little to no effort on their part. This is not a lottery ticket. If you don’t want to follow the steps, don’t waste your time and money because this book won’t help you if all you do is read it without stopping to take action.
Each chapter ends with specific action steps that you should take before moving on. There are only two pre-requisites for this fieldbook:
A dream
A desire and willingness to commit to pursuing your dream (this book explains why it is hard to commit and what you can do about it)
It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to achieve your dream, that’s why I wrote this book. All that matters is that you want to achieve it.
What will you learn?
How much you learn depends on your current knowledge and experience. What I can say for certain is that when you’ve finished the book, you will be able to:
Challenge beliefs and assumptions that hold you back from committing to your dreams
Properly set goals that will allow you to turn your dreams into possibilities
Create a practical plan that fits into your schedule to achieve your goals
Execute your plan to turn possibilities into reality
Overcome barriers that will arise when you execute your plan
Celebrate and repeat the process again
Only thing you need to bring with you is a dream, the desire to achieve it and the fortitude to take each step outlined in the book.
What will you get?
The Dreams to Reality Fieldbook saves you thousands of hours by distilling valuable information from hundreds of self-help books and personal mastery audiotapes into 65-pages. You can either buy the paperback version through Amazon or the ebook version, which you can instantly download once you’ve purchased it. Every idea in this book was handpicked for its effectiveness and practical use in my own life.
I purposely designed this book to be short because I want you to spend time working on your dreams, not on reading this book. I called this a fieldbook because it’s designed to be applied practically in your life. The paperback version is small and easy to carry around with you. The current ebook version is meant to be read on your computer or tablet.
This book contains the information you need to get what you want in life. All you have to do is to follow the steps.
What others are saying about this book?
There are many ‘how to succeed’ type self-help books in the marketplace, but The Dreams to Reality Fieldbook is unique among them. These other books enable the reader to give in to fear and doubt and either procrastinate or quit before they have achieved their goals. The Dreams to Reality Fieldbook provides a creative and fun accountability system that ensures the reader will stick with the process. It doesn’t matter if the objective is to lose weight, start a new career or learn to play guitar, this book is a blue print for personal success. I always wanted to write a novel and with the help of Robert Chen’s book I have the motivation and confidence to reach that goal.
Let me first start by saying I hardly read books as I am always on-the-go / on the road. The Dreams to Reality Fieldbook is short and a sweet 62 pages filled with actionable steps. If you are the kind of person that is action-oriented, this book is for you. It thoroughly explains common pitfalls as hindrances to pursuing your dreams. It elaborates on mindset and delivers explanations for them. The author goes on to say that F.E.A.R. is actually an acronym for “False Evidence Appearing Real” and that there’s no such thing as the word “can’t.” After reading this book, and writing my first review (ever), I’ve forwarded this book to my parents, who always told me, “you can’t do this” and “you can’t do that.” Turns out, I CAN!
I have always been skeptical of “self-improvement” books, but Robert Chen’s book, “Dreams to Reality Fieldbook” is a helpful and informative guidebook. The author has easy to follow steps and concrete examples that can help you set your goals and a solid plan to achieve them. The author also uses examples from his own personal life which makes it easier to relate to the content in the book and take the appropriate actions/steps.The book is short (just the right amount of information without “bogging” down on details) and easy to refer to when needed. You can easily slip it into your bag and carry it around.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone, as I know that everyone can use some “help” to achieve one’s dreams!
The DREAMS TO REALITY FIELDBOOK is a handy resource that you can refer to again and again throughout the course of your life. It’s a powerful roadmap that will help you get to where you want to be. Robert Chen provides lots of useful advice in his wonderful little book on how to get past common roadblocks like fear, self-doubt, procrastination and laziness. He also teaches readers how to overcome common barriers to success like: (1) assigning blame to other people rather than taking personal responsibility), (2) not knowing when or where to start, which is also called “analysis paralysis” and (3) losing momentum or interest on the way to one’s goals. You’ll also come across inspiring stories of famous people before they became household names. Once you finish Robert’s field guide, you’ll see that anything is possible and there’s no one out there to stop you from achieving your whatever you want but yourself.
There are a lot of books out there that provide information and systems for creating a plan for improving some aspect of your life and sticking to it. This book really boils down a lot the information that is out there into a few manageable steps. The author has done a lot of the work of compiling and digesting the best pieces of information and fitting them all together in a coherent and, most importantly, simple book that incorporates clear examples and well thought out exercises for integrating the system into your life as you read.
The Dreams To Reality Fieldbook is both inspiring and empowering. In a very clever and precise way, the author Robert Chen makes a convincing argument that “dreams” are no longer “unrealistic fantasies” as commonly defined by society. Dreams, as long as they are properly defined, are indeed achievable.In order to get from point A to B, whether its as simple as finishing a book to something more complex such as losing 50 pounds before the big wedding day or retiring at the age of 40, the author highlights that a proper mindset as well as the right game plan are both critical. This book provides a platform to properly develop both of these ingredients to success.
The author uses witty language and loads of “action steps” to move the reader along. This makes the book an easy yet important read, especially for those who want to learn how to get what they want. As soon as one masters the techniques in this book, there is virtually no stopping them from reaching their maximum potential.